Publish your card for FREE
If you are a supplier of dropshipping products, you can publish your company card on Dropshipping One for FREE.
All sellers subscribing to our service (from all over the world) will be able to search you in the reserved area and contact you with the aim of starting to sell your products, through their own commercial channels.
Important: To enter your Supplier Card you must first log in to DropShipping One as a "Supplier".
If you are a demanding supplier and want to distinguish yourself and have a greater visibility than others , after publishing your "Supplier Card" for free , you can decide to take advantage of strong sponsorship services offered by DropShipping One.
By becoming Sponsor , your company card will also be highlighted in the public area of the site , thus becoming visible to all visitors, even if not subscribers.
The natural consequence will be an increase in contacts, and even SEO (Search Engine Optimization) advantages, as the Dropshipping One website will target your site publicly, increasing its reputation & nbsp; in Google's eyes.